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Is There Public Support For Marijuana Legalization?

First Published August 10, 2022

Support of State Regulation for Marijuana

How Does The Legalization of Marijuana Impact the Economy and Crime?

Calls for cannabis / marijuana legalization are increasingly heard in the mainstream media, across the internet, from government legislators and even medical professionals. However, many of the countries exploring recreational cannabis legalization are signatories to one or more international drug conventions. These agreements were mainly drafted when marijuana use was still off-limits. 

As a result, these outdated treaty rules frequently conflict with member states’ ambitions to legalize cannabis for recreational use in this time. But is there sufficient public support for marijuana legalization? This piece will lay out important facts in order to make an informed assessment. 

Overwhelming Support for Marijuana Legalization

Up to 91% Favor Legalization – Younger Persons Lead the Way

Pew Research Center reported in April 2021 that 91 percent of US adults support marijuana legalization, with 60 percent supporting both medicinal and recreational use and 31 percent supporting only medical use. Only 8% of adults were completely opposed to legalization. 

It is to be noted that while only 32% of those aged 75 and up believe marijuana should be legal for both recreational and medical purposes, younger adults expressed much wider support. In fact, 70% of adults under age 30 are in favor of the herb being legalized for medical and recreational uses. 

A similar trend can be observed in Germany. On November 29, 2021, the German Website Augsburger Allgemeine published the results of a survey conducted by the opinion research institute known as Civey. As for marijuana legalization in that country, there is roughly an even split of 43% for and against with 14% undecided. However, legalization is more positively viewed by the younger generation. About two-thirds of those between 18 and 29 years old are in support. Though illegal for recreational use, controlled release of cannabis is under consideration by Germany’s Federal Drug Commissioner. An approach similar to what obtains in Canada seems to be favored. 

People Protest Marijuana Restrictions Across the US

People Protest Marijuana Restrictions Across the US

Governments Under Pressure to Remove Marijuana Restrictions

Private smoking clubs are recognized in Spain, but it is still technically illegal to sell even a joint. The government is under pressure to fully legalize medicinal cannabis and regulate recreational marijuana. Similarly, many in the Netherlands are concerned that their country is no longer at the forefront of legislation on cannabis due to push back in recent years from a conservative government. Even though smoking pot is tolerated in coffee shops, the cultivation of the crop is still illegal there. This situation prompted the mayor of the city of Heerlen to declare that his municipality wants to grow its own cannabis.

In the countries of India and Nepal, marijuana remains illegal officially, but is widely tolerated, especially for use in rituals. Meanwhile, a few African countries are reviewing the legal status of weed. In particular, activists in South Africa successfully argued in the constitutional court that it was unconstitutional to prohibit the personal use and cultivation of cannabis by adults in private spaces.

Get Facts on The Legalization of Marijuana in the US. Click Here

Women on Cannabis Farm – Thanks to Giphy

Marijuana Going Mainstream

A report shows that despite the fact that about 600,000 people in the United States are arrested for marijuana possession each year, it is estimated that more than 50% of the adult population have experimented with the drug. That is in excess of 128 million people. It is expected that the number of arrests will fall as more states legalize marijuana for adult use. 

Currently (2022), roughly half of the populace reside in states where marijuana use by adults is legal and these figures are on an upward trend. Interestingly, research by Headset Data which was published online on January 31, 2022, revealed that while both men and women have bought more cannabis since 2020, sales to females show a higher rate of increase. Sales to men increased by 49%, but for women the increase was 55%.

In the world of business, Amazon, which is one of the largest employers in the US, announced that it would lobby for cannabis to be legalized at the federal level. Further to that, in June 2021, the company announced that marijuana would be excluded from the pre-employment drug screening program for unregulated positions. Surely, other corporations will follow suit.

63% of Republican Millennials Support Legalization
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Marijuana’s Status Impacts Racial Justice

Marijuana’s Status Impacts Racial Justice 

Reasons Why Marijuana Reform Attracts Broad Support

In the first place, many people cannot understand why a natural, medicinal plant is banned. Those who support the legalization of marijuana believe that related black market crimes will decrease considerably, as drug cartels will lose their grip on the trade. In addition, a legal structure will facilitate regulation of the cultivation, processing and use of the herb in ways that ensure a measure of consistency and safety. 

Also, we must never overlook the fact that enforcement of marijuana laws is accompanied by racism. Even though black and white Americans use marijuana at a similar rate, “Blacks” are arrested at a disproportionately higher rate. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), catalogues a number of reports highlighting this fact. 

Legal Marijuana Businesses Yield High Returns

Legal Marijuana Businesses Yield High Returns 

Economic Benefits: Based on returns in recent years, the economic benefits of legal marijuana are creating a buzz. Legalization has already generated billions of dollars for cities and states. Equally important are the hundreds of thousands of jobs created. Public support for marijuana legalization is certainly evident, but in the end, money does rule. Money will likely be the motivating factor that pushes many governments to change course on the status of the plant. They know the tide is turning! 

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Jakob Stadler and Michael Stifter. Translated Headline: Germans are divided on the subject of cannabis legalization. Augsburger Allgemeine. Nov. 29 2021. (Published in German). Retrieved 18 May 2022 from

Ted Van Green. “Americans overwhelmingly say marijuana should be legal for recreational or medical use.” Pew Research Center. April 16, 2021.
Retrieved 16 May 2022 from

“Exploring cannabis consumer trends & demographics in 2021.” Headset Data. January 31, 2022. Retrieved 15 May 2022 from

“Racial Disparity In Marijuana Arrests.” NORML. Retrieved 19 May 2022 from

“Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legal?” Last updated on: 11/13/2018. Retrieved 14 May 2022 from

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